Robin Hood of Books
As a struggling aero scientist in progress with a field where every goddamn hardback of value is 500 bucks and beyond, I asked for his books.
Head of department would rather have other professors grab them.
The same people with established libraries and a budget and means to get free and reduced books?
Ok, wow wow wow... Wow.
What to do?
Wait for months lurking around the professorless office and tracking books' presence
Bug the secretary
Get Maria on board so two applying pressure crack the nut already
Finally hear about the books being moved to some attic to gather dust
Plead case of being a broke ass scientist who can't get some fucking jewels anyway
Get the secretary discrete blessing when she leaves the door open for some minutes
Grab Maria
Get to the books
Sneak EVERY MOTHERFUCKING ONE OF THEM into the car's trunk
Get the stash
Spend the week-end discussing how to split the stash
On the way find a spirit book that screams I AM YOUR TRUTH and take a selfie with the fuckers.
Ten days later, finally. A state of inner stillness and emptiness, perfect, for few minutes
workout clarity.
Told D. and he said he often slides in this state and blacks out for some time.
I in the meantime have to meditate my way to it, or get it workout clarity style
Spent Sunday looking for this verse and found it this morning while looking for something else
What a life, dude.
Like him whom fable fledged with waxen wings,
In sorrow drowned - but not in sorrow lost.
How wretched is the man who never mourned!
I dive for precious pearl in sorrow's stream:
Not so the thoughtless man that only grieves:
Takes all the torment and rejects the gain,
(Inestimable gain!) and gives heaven leave
To make him but more wretched, not more wise