
Bare Af Bear

Come on down to the Bare aff Bear 

Why have a penguin when you can have a bear?

Penguins are just birds that can't fly


In me...

Silmarillion over again, back to Arda. Yet in the cradle of my thoughts again.

My dear head, how did you come to forget how much my heart cherishes Mithrandir....


S'il vous plait, peux-tu me dessiner une ame

It's the soul inside of Guts himself that we all knew was there, but only Susumu Hirasawa was able to show us. Hirasawa did the one thing Guts couldn't do. He found the inner peace inside of Guts that the events of the Eclipse and Guts' shitty life in Midland has stolen from him. Frankly, it's no wonder this song is powerful.


Kara No Kyoukai

On Rewatch.


ما أنا إلا بشر

I ditched last german course. The teacher thought it a fair payback to make me translate some German lines to Moroccan dialect.

"Ich bin nur ein mensch.
Ich habe ein herz.
Du bist gefährlich.
Schau mich nicht an."

He hummed it and even sang it, but except for "heart", and the verb "to have", I didn't understand much.

Then it turned out it was the beginning of this notorious Moroccan song


Ich weiß nicht, was du weißt.
Du weißt nicht, was ich weiß.
Gott allein weiß...Was wir wissen und was wir nicht wissen.


Sohnia Mahiwal

We don't seem to change.

Way too far. Breathless and too energetic to even hover around memories with a clear mind.


Drunk on Tea

If a bee doesn't hover on my tea, something is wrong with it.
If my tea isn't sweet, the bee won't take a single chance with it.
So I end up asking for two glasses, one for me and one for the bees.
Then I remember why I wanted bees drinking from my glass in the first place.
My gawd I got too drunk on tea.


A Weapon of Choice

The Hobbit on rewatch
Etwas aus der dieses Mannes Fleisch schmiede:


Inside The Ebola Bubble, Outside The Human One

...Because in the middle of Ebola, you can't touch anyone.
It puts a physical distance between you and the world that no words can bridge.
And you feel that distance in your body, you feel it like you feel the smacking against a fat wooden poll pushing you away from the world.
I had never understood that it was qualitavetly different to say to someone "a pleasure to meet you" while you're holding on to a stranger.
I had never appreciated just how much groundwork was laid in the way I extend my hand, the strength in the length of a handshake.
Touch transforms everything and without I had also lost a skill.

Jina Moore


50.000 Words.

Having a writig buddy is like:
-Eating ethereal yet plausible rainbow clouds and turning them into words.
-Having within one's inner furnace a phoenix as fuel that unleashes an outlandish inspiration.
-Understanding the meaning behind sentences such as this: "déjà que le nombre des mixtilles est pâle et que je t'en trouve un goût bien silencieux, toi qui avais l'odeur si tapageuse tant tes larmes sucrées te restaient prisonnères à pourir à l'intérieur".

I proclaim officially that my writer's food is Path's lemon cake.

Nothing can fill me more because of such an overload of gratitude right now.
So, I just want to remember the salvation it brings me to deliver every word and to read every word. 
To never forget and to commit.
Thank you.


The Old and Lonely Tree

Once upon a time was there
An old and lonely tree
By him folks have come and gone
And he was standing still

No carved names no dance and prayers
Took his sorrows away
He dreamed to have all lives and hearts
And own them on his own

Children's laughter, tears of joy
New born babies, too
Up he swallowed birds and bees
To fill his lonely soul

Now that he is all alone
The old and lonely tree
No more song is in the wind
And the tree is standing still

Once upon a time was there
And old and lonely tree
The clear and blue sky up above
And he was standing still

Shiny snowflakes, rain in spring
Could never ease his soul
He dreamed to have the whole wide world
And own it on his own

Oceans, mountains, flowers in white
The sun the moon and stars
Even the shadows swallowed he
To fill his empty soul

Now that he is all alone
The old and lonely tree
No more day or night exists
And the tree is standing still

Who can I kid, This song makes me shed some tears.  Once upon a time, I didn't know another Kaiba than Seto. Once upon a time T_T.


The Blues Brothers

On watch today.
My heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find the way.




Study History.

Next time, we eat those who are doomed to repeat history because they necglect it.

Study history, motherfuckers. We're gonna need you.



No More :)


Write-O-Rama Jams


A thing of Beauty

One of these lines that make the series better than the book.


Ugly Boy - Die Antwoord


This Be The Verse

 They fuck you up, your mum and dad.  
    They may not mean to, but they do.  
They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,  
Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.



This is the purrrrr-fect context to start a writing project.

Thanks, M.

Which reminds me of the old days of the Gorillaz craze while drafting the raw frame of a writing project.


Pretty Hum Hum


Miss Earth

There you go, big girl.

Stay awesome, Anna.


Is it wrong that my heart expands a hundred and hundred folds everytime I see and use this bottle?

Truly, it's the second best thing out of garlic after garlic.

And now, I'm going to load everything with it.

The roomie will certainlybe joyful.


Un Gars. Une Fille.

Whenever I'm hanging out at H.'s, it's either soccer or this french sitcom on TV.



One Step and I'm over, with the blessings of the METAFALICA Reyvatails.

Tomorrow is SHOWTIME.
And I still don't know how to not write in details all my points in an essay and what the heck it would be of  use to know words such as curmudgeon, extol or lackadaisical.

It seems like pokemon species to me.


Other Great Ones didn't get it either.

Another Nobel year with no Murakami as a winner.


And I've never heard of Patrick Mondiano.


In Remembrance

On this morning, I pray you bathe in the realm of blissfulness and cast a gentle stare upon us. I pray you laugh and are happy at how happy I am and don't feel sorrowful for any of my woes. I hope my dear Oli that you can see that I can see now, please rest in peace.


Only The Moon

Work starting 7h00. And only the moon to behold for a good part of this early morning.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

India. One pulse at a time

Dirt Roads by Sioveh

I find myself missing India more and more, I miss Nanou, I miss Anu, I miss that life.
Surely someday, I'm going back.


Cracks me up everytime 8D


LP - The Final Masquerade

You guys rock. Sing with the strength of your voices to the weak.
LP will always amaze me by how music keeps maturing and evolving.


سلآآآآآآآآ و ربآآآآط

Is there any better way to make friends than to make it unsuspectedly :3?
I cherish this guy to the bits.
سلآآآآآآآآ و ربآآآآط و لمحمدية
إلا جاو البوليس والجدرمية
حسن عوان الزطيلية
هرب هرب هرب هرب

Note to self: your dermatillomania kicked in but September is gone so no excuses!


Another WE

It turned out making a 1000 pieces puzzle helps in preparing for the GRE.

It does not.
And you don't finish it despite the combined efforts of three fully grown human beings.


I take "being genuinely kind" over "being nice" everyday, but they are making a good case for the butchered word here.

And I do believe we are fundamentally lonely, I also believe it doesn't have to be feared or glamorized. Some culture trend these are.

Just rip off its bandage


A breather

Here is another phase full of transitions

It's an omen and it's a cleanse thank you god.



Freshness yet again is in the air.

A pleasant encounter from work leads to extremely pleasant perspectives. Chance encounters with those who share potent conversations has been a peculiarity of my current workplace and I am extremely grateful for it

Thanks M.



The genius of Nostromo hits again :)


While doing the dishes

Geroch Tipler's main result out of his theorem is that the time dimension will be closed in a topology changing universe.

Maybe, he's not adopting an accurate geometric model for the universe then.

Maybe he doesn't look at it in a torus fashion, because in a torus fashion..

-"What are you thinking about? You're doing the dishes with a weird face."

 Dearly beloved friend,...

For once, I just followed Marquez's advice : you don't have to voice out everything you're thinking, but surely think what you're voicing out.

-"I was thinking about the little knowledge that I think I have."


Death By Pancakes

A Sunday morning among friends.


Social Stimuli

A stimulating conversation reminds me of Ishmael.

Here is to stimulating exchange.




An Inspiration II