
There Goes Nothing

I submitted my application. I did well, but I know I could have done better GRE wise.

I'm just not too keen to report once again, but if I'm not to get the scholarship this year, I will definitely work on the GRE for the next application.

My dear Oneness, may it be whatever it is best for me. Amen.


A Lazy Afternoon in Ramadan

We are fasting. We talk a lot. We communicate this much. Then, we make oatmeal-banana cookies in the shape of poop and wander about the sunset's meal.


Erin Brokovich on Rewatch

Making a stand against a friend who happens to be a male who happens to adopt some ideas about a movie held up by the female lead.


Dead Can Dance


While working


Ramadan 2015

I've just bought a bicycle and I'm intending to take Ramadan to the next level this year.

May it be an omen of good health and authentic words and actions to everyone around this existence.


The Cat With Hands

Excellent Short


The Company's Soccer Tournament

Or the final.opportunity.to.get.a.picture.with.this.man

Let's affectionately call him Qui, for he is. Thanks for the nickname M.


One is granted the title of a "fool" afterwards

"One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters. You did rightly."


What possible harm could it be some more folly ? Nothing I can't handle by far :3



Finally. Amazing cast, amazing characters, amazing action. It's been a while since an American movie tasted so amazing on several levels.