There are many things you get away with when you are a child: salting the tea, making someone eat a dirty old Bounty that was stuck under the furniture, making inconsiderate remarks, getting your hand stuck in the biscuits jar, opening your savings pot before summer, staining badly the traditional carpet, eating worms and soil....
But you do NOT get away with watching Belphégor when you are a child: you just don't. Every person that has watched Belphégor knows this and shares a specific bond with others like him or her. We recognize each other and we recognize in each other the symbol. We are here now, it's done, we don't get away with and we do not want to get away with.
Belphégor is part of who we are, a common stigma, a wonderful black utopia of a stigma, we hold it dear, we hold it tight and we contemplate in every aspect of it. You should see for yourself to which extent WE are dedicated.
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