I remember being on my second year of high school and discovering the first season of Prison Break in French during Ramadan, as part of the night program after breaking the fast.
I remember not one giving a fuck about it around me.
I remember following it with intent and poise, not in my fanatic way yet with consistent attention.
I remember three years later, in prep school, where not only did Prison Break blow, but plenty of students would try to personify the main characters and one of them legit was embodying Michael Schofield.
I remember talking about how the show spoke broadly and yet still falsely about Hook's Law and Tensile Strength. At least don't make the structural engineer speak about the topic; ma dudes, even when you gave keywords to hint to technical calculations, you still manage to get it wrong.
Anyway, lately I was catching up with a friend and she mentioned sleeping to Prison Break reruns and last night, my friend was taking some time killing (or rather cheesing) bosses, so I remembered Prison Break existed and decided to rewatch.
I still love that show and to be honest, I like how poised and attentive I am during the process of watching this one.
I'm not too sure whether I would give the season 5 a try. Season 4 was already too much of a push for the old fan I am.
But let's see.
I also fucked up my sleeping schedule in the process, which is shit to start with. But then I have to wake up at 7h00 in the next days.
Just when I gave up caffeine addiction, I will be going back at it to nurse the 7h00 a.m. shock.
Well, at least, I got some resting done during this vacation.